Grandma sitting beside her granddaughter in a park.

September 29, 2023

Five Ways to Make Moving into a Nursing Home Easier

Change can be hard, especially when it involves a major life event.

Leaving behind familiar things and routines can be unsettling, but the transition can be made smoother with a little preparation. At Sunset Senior Living, we understand the anxieties and nervousness that can come with moving to a retirement home, so we’ve put together some tips to help make the process easier.

1. Plan Early

One of the best ways to ease into retirement home living is to start planning early. This includes researching facilities, visiting them, and discussing options with family members. One of the best ways to ease your loved one’s nerves about moving into a nursing home is to involve them in the process. Ask them what they need and want in a living facility, and take them on tours of different nursing homes.

By taking the time to consider different aspects of senior care living, such as proximity to medical services and community amenities, you can make an informed decision about where to move and what to bring.

2. Handle logistics

Moving to a nursing home involves various logistical arrangements, such as notifying utilities companies, banks, and insurance providers of the change of address, filling out paperwork, and transferring medical records. Make sure that you have legal documents in order, including power of attorney and healthcare directives. Talk to your loved one about any financial or legal concerns that they may have. You may also want to hire a professional moving company to handle the move, as this can minimize stress and physical strain.

3. Bring Familiar Items from Home

Moving into a nursing home doesn’t mean your loved one has to leave behind everything that they own. Bringing some personal items from home can be a great way to create a sense of comfort and familiarity within their new living space. Pictures, blankets, or other personal items that bring joy can help add a feeling of home to any room.

4. Stay Connected

Feeling connected to friends and family is important during the transition to senior care living. Keep lines of communication open before and after the move. Let your loved one know that they are still a valuable member of the family, and that you will continue to visit, call or write as frequently as possible. Maintaining existing relationships, establishing new ones, and participating in group activities or social events can all help to reduce feelings of isolation and loneliness.

Make arrangements for familiar activities such as card games, meals, or outings to be carried out in the new facility. Also encourage your loved one to participate in social activities organized by the facility, such as games or art classes, as this can help them to form new friendships and stay active and engaged. Help them be open to new opportunities such as a new hobby, an exercise program, or even a trip outside the facility.

5. Focus on the Positives

Moving into a nursing home can be an emotional experience, but focusing on the positive aspects of senior care living can help ease nerves and reduce anxiety. Many senior living facilities, including Sunset Senior Living, offer high-quality care, a supportive community, and the opportunity to engage in new activities and experience new things.


Remember that it’s okay to feel nervous and overwhelmed. With time, preparation, and patience, the transition will become more comfortable and familiar.

At Sunset Senior Living, we’re committed to providing residents with the best possible care and services, and we work to make the move into our facility as seamless as possible. Contact us today for more information or directly apply for admissions online.