October 6, 2021
September 24, 2021 Visiting Update
We have reopened to indoor visitors today!
The Adams County Health Department has lifted their recommendation on the suspension of indoor visitation. Going forward at this time these are the guidelines for indoor visitation.
- Visitors must be screened when entering the building. This screening can be self-reported. The form for this is at the front desk. If the visitor has been in contact with anyone who has tested positive for COVID in the last 14 days, have symptoms of COVID, or have tested positive for COVID in the last 10 days they will be denied entry.
- Visitors must use hand sanitizer after screening and before going to resident’s room for visit
- Visiting hours will be while the front desk is open unless other prior arrangements are made.
- There is no time limit for the visit and visits don’t have to be scheduled.
- Please do not bring food to eat with the resident during the visit. We would also ask that you do not come in for your visit during meal times.
- After screening, the visitor must go straight to the resident’s room. Should they need to speak with a staff member, they can use the call light once they get to the room.
- Masks are to be worn at all times by the visitor and the resident if they are able to tolerate it.
- If a resident is in isolation for COVID-19 or in quarantine whether it is for admission status or suspected COVID, that resident will not be allowed to receive visitors except in compassionate care situations. If you feel a compassionate care situation exists, please reach out to the unit coordinator or nurse on that unit. They will give the information to the nursing office and will return your call with a determination.
- If the resident shares a semi private room, the visit should be conducted in the compassionate care room on first floor.
- If a visitor starts to have symptoms of COVID-19 or test positive for COVID-19 within 3 days of their visit, they need to notify the facility immediately.
- If the facility experiences one new case of COVID in either a staff member or resident, indoor visitation will be paused until one round of testing has been completed to determine the extent of the outbreak. This process will likely take at least 4 days. We can’t test everyone until 2 days after the initial positive in order to get the best possible picture of the outbreak status.
- Indoor visitation may resume after that depending on how many units or areas are affected by the outbreak.
- POAs will be called in the event of an outbreak.